
About me 👋

I am a full-time Software Engineer at WSP Digital.

We work on Django + React/Vue on most projects.

What do I do at work?

I enjoy full-stack work!

I've always been into developing software, hacking and designing things growing up. This grew into an interest for developing and designing websites, where I have found a good balance between designing and developing!

Throw me a problem and I'll be more than willing to bash my head against it for a realistic solution.

What do I do for fun?

I would usually spend my time running, cycling, swimming (all slowly), catching up with mates, and cooking!

My next goal is to finish a Half Ironman in 2025, ouch...!

... they are things I do to keep myself grounded and sane! 🍀🌿


Technologies I use

  • Python 3
    • Django
    • Flask
  • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • React
    • Vue
  • AWS
    • EC2, RDS, ECS, ECR, CFN
    • and bunch more